I love the way our mysterious and beautiful world works. At a time in my life when I am practicing being evermore present, I find myself learning how to be more reflective. With full on days of creating, playing, and exploring, I need to carve out space to reflect on who and what contributes to my health and well being, and who and what does not.

A self-proclaimed lifelong learner, being guest editor for the CV Collective was a fascinating experience that allowed me deeper glimpses into the topics, as well as the authors of the stories. With an overall theme of reflection, each author offered up a unique, and in some cases, very personal perspective of the topic on which he or she was writing. Lead by the creative team at CVC, this fall issue presents an abundance of articles, images, and artwork that allow our readers to learn more about the people and places that make the Comox Valley, and its surrounding region, such an amazing community to live in and visit. Whether you devour the magazine from cover to cover, pick and choose what to spend time on, start with a particular story of interest, or consume the content in any other way that makes sense to you, I hope you will pause and let yourself reflect on your own passions, your own dreams, and your own path in this rich and abundant life. Being aware can lead to deeper reflection, and with that, hopefully a stronger appreciation for who and what help to make and keep you healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

As the season changes to days full of crisp and colourful autumn weather, we are offered up the time and space for different activities and pursuits than we enjoyed in the previous months. I encourage all of you to reflect on the role you play in promoting and enhancing the creative and diverse community we get to call home. Then get out there and create, play, and explore!